Friday, March 18, 2022 – Ways To Be A Good Mentor

Have you had a good mentor in your life? Are you a mentor? 

Who is a mentor? While you may not think that you are a mentor, let me challenge you on this. Are you a teacher, a parents, a leader, a boss, a business owner? The list goes on and on, but the opportunity for mentorship is plenty. 

I’ve had some mentors throughout my life and I have also been a mentor. 
One of the times that I had a mentor was during my Eagle Scout project. I had to select one person that would be my project mentor, to overlook the progress with me and answer any questions that I may have had during the process. They has been there and done that, and they were always generous in sharing their wisdom with me and providing guidance on any issues I was having. 
Upon earning the Eagle Scout Rank, I decided it was time to return the favor and mentor a few of the younger Scouts, not only to earn their Eagle Scout Rank, but also get into the Boy Scouts of America to begin with. 

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. – Proverbs 27:17

Ways to be a good mentor: 

Show up – 
Sometimes it is as simple as showing up. Sounds simple, right? Well it is. Whether it is scheduled or just whenever you can connect – sometimes just showing up in someone’s life is sometimes all it takes to make a difference. 

Ears or Mouth? – 
One day during my Eagle project I was having a rough day, and my mentor came in and said “Do you want me to be ears or a mouth?” Simply meaning do you want me to say what I think or do you need someone to listen to you? 

Open Ears and Open Heart – 
Listen with open ears and open heart. While it may be easy to jump in and say something – just takes notes. Sometimes hard words need to be said, but watch your timing. 

Ask Questions – 
It can start with a simple “how are you”? Questions can also crack open some areas of deeper conversation or simply help someone know that you are present. 

Storytelling, Not Reprimanding – 
It is so easy to tell someone what they are doing wrong. Let’s flip the script. If you have experienced a situation that someone has gone through- tell your story. Explain how you addressed the situation and what you went through to get there. The art of story is a beautiful thing. It helps people know that they are not alone in having gone through something. 


Don’t worry, I am not telling you to go volunteer to be a mentor, but if you can and that is your heart – do it! If you have the opportunity to be a mentor to someone, do it! The rewards are not just for those who are being mentored, you will benefit as well!