Tuesday, March 15, 2022 – Grace

What is Grace? Grace is defined as the Free and unmerited favor of God. God loves us despite our sins, because of grace. Grace is the most important concept in Christianity. 

When we say that Christ loves unconditionally – that is because of grace. Despite our sins, no matter what – God gives us grace. The love of God to those who don’t deserve His love – the peace of God gives to the restless – all are examples of grace.

 What is Accepting Grace? 

Not yelling at the guy who just cut you off. 

Rather than getting mad at your kid for not doing the dishes, you give them a pass

When your husband doesn’t remember a significant event, not exploding

Remaining calm when live gives you a storm

As important as is it to show grace, it is just as, if not more important to learn to accept grace. Accepting grace is knowing that God loves you despite your sins.