Wednesday, March 16, 2022 – Finding Your Faith and Owning It

The world of Christianity is wide and vast. While God has given us a map, the bible, finding your faith with that map looks different for every person. Regardless of how we follow Christianity – it is personal, unique, and something that changes and grows. 

Christ Made Us Unique: 
Christ made each of us different- so of course, or relationship with him is unique. 

Finding Your Faith: 
Finding your faith can be hard. For me, I found my faith when I became involved with Mountain Ministries in March of 2020. Prior to that, it had been several years since I went to church. It was not because I did not want to, I didn’t find a church where I felt like I fit in. 

I don’t want to overcomplicate the subjects of finding your faith and owning it, but I do feel like people who are lost or are searching like I was, need to know that their feelings are normal. 

Your Relationship With Christ: 
In my child years, I was first introduced to the idea of a relationship with Christ – I have to admit – I was at a loss. God isn’t my actual father? How am I supposed to have a relationship with God as my father? It was very confusing to me. 

Over the years, and now it makes sense. 

What if we think about our relationship with Christ like any relationship? Think to when you met your best friend. Yes, some people instantly click, but most people’s relationships require a process. There is that getting to know you period, the awkward exchanges, the misunderstandings, miscommunications, and so on. On the flip side there is that relationship that develops out of the good and bad. 

Good relationships Take Time: 
Just like a relationship with a friend or spouse, don’t expect an instant relationship with Christ and your faith. It is a process that evolves and like a good friend or good marriage – the longer you are committed to each other the better the relationship becomes 

Each relationship in your life – including the one with Christ is unique. Those relationships each require time, grace, patience, and commitment to growing. 

Owning Your Faith:
What does owning your faith look like? It’s not wavering when the question arises. It’s understanding, accepting, and giving grace. Owning your faith is standing up for what you believe and not shying away from those beliefs when encountering friends, family, and others that don’t believe the same as you. 

Thank God for Grace!